Thursday, August 12, 2010

Secret Fires - I Only Want What I Can't See

OK....I have an admission to make. I never really paid attention to Edmonton's Secret Fires. Why? BECAUSE I'M A BIG FUCKING DUMMY! Do you like Slates? Do you like The Wolfnote? Yeah? Then you like this band! I wasn't even really sure if it was kosher to put this up, but seeing as they're broken up and giving the CD away like candy, I figured it was cool. Rock and Roll for kids who grew up on The Replacements, Black Flag, and Husker Du. (See also: Punk Rock for kids who grew up on Thin Lizzy and K-Rock)

Seriously, if you don't have this get on it. Radness abound. Like usual, I'm probably the only one who slept on this band....hell I even played with them and don't remember being rocking out like I should have been. So it goes I guess.


  1. Where can I get one of these "candy" cds?

  2. Talk to Dallas, the drummer of Slates. He has a box (or a couple) boxes left I think...well at least he did last time I saw him.

    If not him, James or Stefan from Slates also probably have a few copies left.

  3. How is Hot Snakes not mentioned in this post!? Hot Snakes worshiiiiiiiip. (And I love it.)

  4. Ha! Man, I totally forgot about that!
    I'm pretty sure this band actually started out as a Hot Snakes cover band too. (Not Snakes)
