So it's the last days of December and so that means "Best of..." season on music blogs. While I see nothing wrong with this, I just don't keep up with new music enough to actually warrant my own list...in reality I've only really jammed like 10 new albums this year. Keeping with the holiday spirit though, I figured I'd try my hand at the "Top 10 Jams of the year". I'll try and keep them as current as possible, but I may stray from the 2010 year into the late 09's.
1. End of a Year - Jeni Leigh
If I had to pick an album of the year it would probably be this record. Every song is such a jam, but to me Jeni Leigh is it. It's so damn catchy and fun and the big sing along female vocals at the end just kill me every time.
2. Gyre Spire & Spindle - Winky Dinky
My friends make the best music in the world. When Graham, Blake, and Calvin debuted this stuff sans vocalist in the late months of 2009 everyone was really impressed. When they finally emerged from the jam space with Amy on vocals Edmonton practically fell apart from excitement. Winky Dinky is representative of one of my favorite times in Edmonton music in a long time.
3. Forming - Hate My Guts
I just posted the Forming 7" a few weeks ago. Seriously, Hate My Guts was my total summer jam...and continued to be so well into the winter months. Super fun 90's Indie Rock inspired pop punk. Jamz!
4. York Redoubt - Initials
Technically a 2009 number, but whatever...I've been consistently listening to this album all year, but this is my favorite song on the album. Lazy, summery indie rock jams to move your hips and warm your heart.
5. Weed Hounds - Embrace (More or Less)
Again, a song from 2009...sort of. While this came out on Weed Hounds 09 demo, it was re-released on 7" in early 2010. I looooove this song. So catchy...I dare you to listen and not hum it for the rest of the day.
6. Maus - The Robber Bride
This song really came out of nowhere for me. I love Maus, but this song...I don't even know what to really say about it. Some of the most heartbreaking lyrics I've heard put to tape, and one of the most intense performances by a band in a long, long time. By the time the song picks up, you'll want to rip something apart.
7. Solids - Erratic Dogs/Whatevers and Neverminds
Technically 2 songs, but they flow so well into each other that I can't listen to one without the other. Stalwart Sons brought word of Solids back after their Eastern Canadian tour, and it's been in heavy rotation since then. Just really great chill 2 piece, fuzzed out indie rock. Hard not to feel great when listening to these songs.
8. Auld Beak - Cat Song
Is it fair to include a song from a tape that came out a week ago? Pffft I don't care, it's my list. Although I've only had these Auld Beak songs for just over 2 weeks, they've already got more plays than most things on this list. Seriously, one of the best things in Canada right now.
9. Slates - Dirty Water
Another 2009 song! To be fair, I think this came out late, late November 2009. While every song on Slates self titled 12" is amazing, the stand out track for me has to be Dirty Water (although Golden Leaves comes in a close close second). It's the kind of song you turn up really loud while hanging out with your friends on a hot summer day.
10. Stalwart Sons - Northern Lights
Did I say my friends make the best music in the world already? Well, Stalwart Sons is further proof of this. Their 12" serves as a beautiful love letter to growing up on the prairies, as Canadian as a Bay Blanket, Frozen pond hockey or the CBC. It was tough to pick one song, but I guess I'll just say Northern Lights, although it could just as well be Flags & Bells, Wisdom Teeth or Book of Hours. Tough call.
So that's it, a completely biased list of songs steeped heavily in nepotism. ;) Hope you enjoy.