True story: I get an email from my friend Joey in Saskatoon that says something to the effect of "Dude! The best band just played here. You'd love them. They're playing Calgary in a few days!" which happened to be Sled Island that year. So when York Redoubt are scheduled to play, Liars are droning on the mainstage. I tried to convince everyone I knew to forget that and come see these kids. Well, I only managed to convince 2 pals (who I know are totally legit) despite my track record for doing the same the year previous and having everyone regret it (Enablers anyone??) - We get to the show and no one other than the bands playing are there, while the kids in York Redoubt pretending they are of age so they can be there and drink beers. York Redoubt set up and play the most incredible set of the entire festival and we absolutely flip out. After, we gather around them like little fanboys.
York Redoubt hail from Halifax and they sound like they were weaned on the best of that city's music from that last few decades: early Sloan and all manner of Pop Explosion , but it's also pretty obvious that they've all been to about a hundred North of America shows. The guitar playing is disjointed and noisy, but the melodies (and the vocals!) are heavenly. I guess it just gos to show that if you immerse the youth around the best things, they'll respond in kind and release one of the best things recorded in 2009.
GOOD stuffs