I know I'm often given to hyperbole, but this time it's the God's-honest truth. "Perfect Progress, Prefect Destruction" is one of the greatest records in existence. I can't think of a more apt title that this, because this indeed a perfect record. Starting with "water under bridges rise," the most epic of openers, you'd think that the opened with the best jam, until you get to the next one. And the next one, and the next after that. Every song is increasingly a beautiful jam.
Incredibly matched guitars, with incredibly matched and impassioned vocals. Lyrically, this album is one of the most inspiring, as it doesn't dwell on worn cliches, it is an emo record, certainly, but likely one of the realest and actually most affecting since Rites of Spring unleashed it on the world. It still sits in a well obviously influenced by Fugazi and others, but still has a definite Florida/No Idea feel to it. This is pre-Tubers, and one can see the progression from here to there, so you have some idea how it sounds. But really, the thing that makes this record so good, is simply the fact that the songs all kill. The songs rip, the vocals break at all the right spots, and they aren't afraid to let things breathe. Play hardcore slower, and let the power shine through.
Desert island record.
"Join the choir, start to sing, loud!"
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