Black Magic Pyramid really shouldn't be new to anyone, but just in case you haven't heard one of the best bands to come out of the prairies in a long time, here's your chance. To be honest, I've been trying to write about this record for about a month now, and I keep coming up short. I just find it hard to explain this band and my love for them...and that's a good thing. Black Magic Pyramid plays fast, heavy and loud, but to label them as an emo or hardcore band really discounts the complexity of their music. While most of the songs barely break the 2 minute mark, there is a lot going on in those 120 seconds of punishment. Black Metal-esque vocals, drumming that borders on
animalistic, and strange moments of poppy know-how that make these songs stick in your head for days.
I truly miss this band and their insane live show. However, like most great punk rock bands their time on this planet was short and they ceased to be last summer. The last show at Sled Island in Calgary was a spectacle to behold and I'm really grateful to have witnessed it. However, in death comes life and I'm happy to report that they've gone onto form some great new bands. (See:
Auld Beak,
Night Danger,
Pimp Wing)
This is the A side of the Black Magic Pyramid cassette on Bart Records - about 5 of which are still available. Get in touch if you need one, ya'lls.