Thursday, October 22, 2009

O'Lucky Man - When I was Young....

O'Lucky Man - When I Was Young I Would Type Your Name...

There once was a man named Tim Kinsella. He played in a few bands here and there, some you may have heard of, some you may fervently worship. O'Lucky Man have obviously heard of Tim Kinsella, which is in no way a bad thing. Like most bands that fall into the "Kinsella-esque" category, OLM plays frantic, noodly upbeat emo-pop-rock stuff. But what really sets these guys apart is the speed they play some of their's mind boggling. Even more mind boggling is the idea that these songs are played sans effects pedals. These gents obviously know what they're doing. This record may not appeal to anyone, but fans of Cap'n Jazz, Algernon Cadwallader, Hella, Piebald, etc etc will probably dig it a lot.

Go to their myspace and buy their stuff. Both releases are $6 total. Insane!