Monday, October 24, 2011

Long Weekends – Warmer Weather

Another great Bandcamp find for today. Seriously bands, if you're not on that site already, get on it. Myspace is dead and networking is for the idiot bands still trying to "make it".

Long Weekends are another band coming out of one of my favorite scenes, Halifax. Much like most Haligonian bands, Long Weekends have that pop sound on lock. Seriously, what is the water? How do all these bands write the catchiest hooks? These 4 tracks have a bit of a garagey feel with really nicely fuzzed out bass and jangly guitars. The songs are given a lot of breathing room, and songs like Quarter Sticks sort of amble along at their own surfy-esque, summery pace. The vocals on this 4-song release are so catchy and fun and you'll definitely be humming these jams all day. I can't really say too much else. This band is just super cool!

As far as I can tell this has never seen a proper physical release which is a shame, but thankfully the band is sharing these tracks for free on their bandcamp. Artwork is done by the always amazing Yorodeo, one of the coolest screenprint/design teams in Canada. Seriously...look at it. It's amazing!


  1. Nice blog. I write for elementary revolt. Can you post Metz's S/T 7" I've been looking all over for that one. Metz has members og The Grey, 3 Penny Opera, and of course Shotmaker

  2. Oh cool! I think Elementary Revolt has written about at least one of my bands! That's rad.

    I don't have that Metz 7" but I asked around and I know a few folks that do. I'll see what I can do.


  3. I think that Metz 7" is findable. ;)
